The definition of the norm in JSf (E; F) depends on the norms in E and
in F; but it is readily seen that, when the norms in E and F are replaced
by equivalent norms (Section 5.6) the new norm in (E; F) is equivalent
to the old one.

(5.7.5) Let u be a continuous linear mapping of a normed space E into a
normed space
F, and v a continuous linear mapping ofF into a normed space G.

Then \\v*u^ \\v\\ -\\u\\.
For if |W| ^ 1, then by (5.7.4) \\v(u(x))\\ < \\v\\ - \\u(x)\\ ^ \\v\\ - ||i/||,
and the result follows from (5.7.1).

(5.7.6) If F is a real (resp. complex) normed space, the mapping which to
aeF associates the element 9a: £ -*%aof & (R; F) (resp. J5?(C; F)) is
a linear isometry off onto
JSf (R; F) (resp. J?(C; F)).

The mapping a-+0a is obviously linear; it is surjective, for every linear
mapping/of R (resp. C) into F is such that/(£) =/(£ • 1) = £/(!) = & with
a =/(!). Finally ||0J = sup \\fr\\ = \\a \\ by axiom (III) of Section 5.1.

LetnowE1? ..., En,Fbera H- I normed spaces, and define Sf(Ei9 . . ., EM;F)
as the vector space of all continuous multilinear mappings of Ei x • • • x En
into F. Then for u e J2?(El9 . . . , EM; F), the same argument as above shows
that the g.Lb. \\u\\ of all constants a > 0 such that

is also given by
(5.7.7) l|tt||= sup Kxl5...5xn)||.
We also see that \\u\\ is a norm on ££ (El3 . . . , En ; F) ; but in fact these vector
spaces can be reduced to spaces j? (X ; Y) :

(5.7.8) For each u e & (E, F; G) and each x e E, let ux be the linear mapping
-> u(x, y). Then u: x -> ux is a linear continuous mapping of E into ££ (F; G),
and the mapping u-*iiisa linear isometry of<£ (E, F ; G) onto J?(E ; jSf (F ; G)).

We have \\ux(y)\\ = llw^^)!! '< \\u\\ '\\x\\ ' \\y\\* hence ux is continuous
by (5.5.1); moreover ||wx|| = sup \\u(x, y)\\, hence (2.3.7)

|= sup